Daily Dose of Doom

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weird Aerodynamics ... (2)

Friday, July 31, 2009 by , under , , ,

One of the luxuries of life;
going to Holland Park to enjoy their coffee (one of the best places to go in London actually.. ) and their toasted Paninis (today was a "cheese, spinage and wild mushroom" variety) that leaves you with that soft sated feeling while still drooling for more. Their simply that good.
Usually though it's quite sedate when we're there but today we did the mistake of oversleeping and ending up having to wade thur ankle biters, kneebiters and hipthumpers screaming and running around high on sugar and interaction.
Not to self: do not go there at noon..

also found this little chap on the fence walking back home again.
One question:
is he really able to fly?
Seriously, he looks like a little ball with a beak. Cute as a button though, but I cant imagine him actually flying... and he did not seem to show any inclination to do so even when i got close and personal with the camera.
How he got up on the fence is a mysery..

Striking a pose..
he was quite good at it actually.

And ofcourse, the must have folower pictures (we live in London after all... their everywhere)

Lucked out with the light striking the center of it making the star shape come out properly.

and ofcourse some more pink.

... always the pink...

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2 Reply to "weird Aerodynamics ..."

Matt on 1 August 2009 at 13:10

Love the bird pics... what is that, like some European Chickadee? He looks puffed up like he might be a bit chilly. I think you are a fine photographer.


Madz on 1 August 2009 at 17:42

thank you :)

have no idea what the type is called in English.. probably somethign with tit, they seem to be focused on that kind of name. Will check the wild-life board when i'm at the park next.
found a blue billed (or beaked) duck this morning. when me and love were feeling the house at 5 am because of a party neighbour having a sing along in the garden.. guh.. Will post shortly :)


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