Daily Dose of Doom

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Light in the dark... (2)

Wednesday, July 01, 2009 by , under ,

here we go then. The dancing and singing and blinking (well.. actually it only blinks... the rest is, honestly, done by me.. ) lighter.

We just got back from our night walk, gonna do a couple of more hours of work and since we're out of water filters (and drinking London water is not what you would call a refreshing experience) we went in search of the bottelled variety. We have a small shop up a couple of streets by St. Helens Church where we managed to get in allthough they we're closing down. Their real sweethearts, the problem beeing they have copped on to my real mental age (around 4) so when buying ciggies (thank god I'm over 30.. that way i can do that and still act like a 4 year old) the nice shoppkeeper and his (I think) brothers agreed that this lighter was just what i needed.. And sadly enough they're right.. Me and Love went away with a bottle of Volvic and me running around blinking and doing "wooo-wee-wooo-weeee" noices (pretending to be a police car).. yes.. very sad.

Anyway, back inside the furnace/shoebox. and now I'm gonna get back to making the 6x3 meter banner for the forensic company. while ocationaly dooing "woo-weee-woo-wee" noices under my breath..

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2 Reply to "Light in the dark..."

Matt on 1 July 2009 at 22:14

Hello Meg. My name is Matt Jorgensen, it is a pleasure to have the cyber equivalent of meeting you. I was blogging, up until tomorrow, anonymously. But, a couple of local newspapers are running stories about "A Peoples' Picture" and they insisted on using my name. So there you go. I am out of the closet, so to speak. You are one of the very few to know my real identity before every one else.


Madz on 2 July 2009 at 01:50

Beeing Anon has its luxuries, but very cool that your getting cred for you idea, and its very nice to "meet" you too. And I'll keep schtum about the name, while feeling very honoured! :D


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