Daily Dose of Doom

Venting and verbal nosepicking.. Wanna see?

work and no play (2)

Friday, August 28, 2009 by , under , ,

Putting up a picture of what i Dont do right now.
Its been all work and no play, but hey, atleast there's work right? :)
I've gotten mauled over mail by my brother whos sending the super sized files of Philip, the newest recruit to the Widen family, allthough it might be that he's getting H's name, and then he's a Carlsson.. hmm.. another thing i need to find out :)
(and yes, my brother and H have been living in blissfull sin for the last 8 years, therefor not sure of the surname of my nefew)
Missing the family, and worrying about money and simply getting down to the gritty about getting in more work and getting a bit further from the line. But life is still good!
We've got what seems to be the first winds of fall slapping against the side of the house, its good to be inside with a cuppa PG-tips.
Having said that we now need to trudge our way up to Sainsbury and get some food for the next few days.. buggerit.. having to wade thru anklebiters and kneebutters while irrate mothers of monsters stand screaming blue murder in the iles...
Oh yes.. looking forward to this adventure :P :)
Have a lovely star to your weekend everyone, hope its a good one!

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2 Reply to "work and no play"

Matt on 28 August 2009 at 10:07

Sigh... your post reminds me of the adult life I have became submersed in, unwittingly, in the blink of an eye. It seems just moments ago I was lying on the couch at my fathers house, glazed eyed, staring blankly at the television. I was so bored. All I wanted was to be big and do adult things.

Little did I know!

Now, I am a compulsive work-aholic that occasionally attends a 12 step group, a stressed father with a 2 year old anklebiter that I scream blue murder at in grocery store isles. I have a pregnant wife demanding attention and an equally intimidating mountain of work competing for my attention.

What the fetch happened?

At least I have the refuge of sweet Meg's blog.


Lady P on 28 August 2009 at 16:58

i love seeing your artwork - and i love a good dance or two myslef. something sadly missing for eons from my life. need more. need that blue dress. need a cup of PG Tips me ole self! fondly thinkin of ya dearie!


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