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Kew Garden Delights.. (3)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 by , under , ,

While Loves Mother was here we went for a treck (as always with the duracell woman of might) of 12 hours at Kew Gardens. I've been living here for over a year now but we've never been there.
We were on our way there once in winter but ended up kissing the door handle and turning around since we arrived just about an hour before they closed.

Now let me start by saying it is bliss.
I was scrambling around with my nose in the air and my eyes closed just sniffing the trees, bushes and bamboo, with a healthy mix of airplane fuel (its right underneath the flightpath to Heathrow.. so ever 60 sec you have birds of the most imence wingspan thundering down over your head.. lets just be happy they do not dump...)

Kew Gardens is celebrating its 250'th year now. Meaning there are plenty of things to see, ontop of the vast amount of standard exibits.
It started out as a summer house *cough* for Henry the 7th. And since royalty rarely do things half-arsed (except when it comes to chins) it soon ended up beeing one of the hubs of power amongst the rose bushes (there's plenty of those too)

You can find almost any kind of vegetation or even remotely resembling a plant here. And the best part is that someone really frantic about naming and taging has taken the time to pin signs to each and every one of them.

This place is 300 acers... now imagine going around pinning lables on everything.. just take a minute with that thought..

Anyway.. Its gorgeouse.. its green (with splaches of colour and spikes and even some rather weird animals) and it will keep you busy for a day..
We're planing on getting a year-card.. there are so many places where you just want to spread out a blanket and enjoy a good book, some cold drink (for the first hour.. before the sun gets to it) and greenery. As long as you manage to ignore the airplanes (next time I'm taking my earphones with me.. radio is much more restive to listen to) all is good.

This is the Palm House..
All made of glass and very very hot and very very humid. and when the light hits it, just so, you can see the palms growing on the inside.
If your feeling really brave you can take the walk way around the top to get a feel of life as a monkey or bird.

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3 Reply to "Kew Garden Delights.."

Lady P on 19 August 2009 at 21:05

300 acres!!?? now labeling THAT lot might be a job worth having - great job security, if you know what i mean. can always manage to find a corner where the boss couldn't locate you and you would always have something cool to look at, lay beneath, categorize....


Matt on 20 August 2009 at 08:22

Just another motivation to get the heck out of the States...


Madz on 20 August 2009 at 08:49

Come one over, the more the better! :D


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