Daily Dose of Doom

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Brighton blues... 1

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 by , under , ,

Simply stranded.. much like me trying to get back to sitting behind the computer after enjoying the pebbles and sunshine..

with the colours and bright lights. Lets put it this way, you'll walk away with what is essentially a c-vitamin kick to the head. Its lovely.

Everything from the wooden hand carved horses (like Anna here... Gorgeous creature) to the shop windows and walkways. Its all in vibrant colour. while the sea tends to go to the bluish tint and the greys... I'm starting to think they are trying to balance it out. by going in the opposite direction.
Anyway, missing it like crazy...
Then again, who does not miss vacation time? :7
Okej.. now back to work.... gnnnnnngnngnngngngnn

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1 Reply to "Brighton blues..."

Lady P on 18 August 2009 at 19:36

this trilogy was well chosen and the color and framing of the subjects, spot on
give me a big camera too!
me and love's mumsy insist!


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