Daily Dose of Doom

Venting and verbal nosepicking.. Wanna see?

Long day, even longer night (3)

Sunday, August 02, 2009 by , under

Slow day today, sleeping on and off between working and just not getting any energy to be honest. Need more coffee.. might need another walk (my tush will be shaped by this IKEA swivel computer chair soon) and another ciggie.
Lots of work to have finished by tomorrow so this'll be another all nighter by the look of things.
*knuckle cracking*
onwards and uppwards right?

ps. the feather was found on the serpentine.. freakily calm water and grey skies, therefor the monocrome feeling.
No photoshopping done to this one (except for the frame and cutting)
Weid that nature looks unatural at times.

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3 Reply to "Long day, even longer night"

Lady P on 2 August 2009 at 15:18

amazing shot - yes, it IS almost surreal
thanks for being my blog buddy, dear Mad Ms. M
feelin a bit discombobulated
and i love knowing that someone somewhere out there kinda approves of my wackiness


Matt on 2 August 2009 at 22:50

These tired posts of yours are a badge of honor. You are in the ass-kicking phase of running an upstart (soon to be wildly successful) business. I imagine that this is something all brave entrepreneurs go through.

I love the shot. I know, I know, I say that about all of them... but I REALLY love that one. I suppose I like it because it looks the way that I feel right now. I am monotone, serene, and alone.

I write this sitting in my IKEA arm chair in the dark of the night since I am unable to sleep. Maybe when the sun catches up with me in the morning I will relate more to one of your fabulous pictures of a cup of coffee.


Lady P on 4 August 2009 at 22:12

Mad Megsie - i have been busy to - manual labor blech! but it will pay some bills
miss our bantering about
but our time will return
you and love hang in there


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